
Graph Construction

nndescent builds the approximate kNN graph:

nndescent(data, n_neighbors, metric; max_iters, sample_rate, precision) -> graph
  • data: The set of points to build the graph from. This must either be a vector of points AbstractVector{V} or an AbstractMatrix. In the matrix case, each column is assumed to be a point.
  • n_neighbors: A positive integer specifying the number of neighbors to find. As the quality of the approximate neighbors returned depends on this parameter, this should probably never be less than 5.
  • metric: Any subtype of the PreMetric abstract type from Distances.jl, including user-defined subtypes.

The behavior of NNDescent can be tuned with several keyword arguments.

  • max_iters: This controls the maximum number of iterations to search for neighbors. Default is 10.
  • sample_rate: Controls how many candidate neighbors are evaluated each iteration. Lower values result in fewer distance calculations per iteration, trading off accuracy for speed. Must be a value in (0, 1]; default is 1.
  • precision: Execution will terminate early (i.e. before max_iters is reached) if the proportion of edges updated after an iteration is less than this value. Default .001.

The k-nearest neighbors can be accessed with

knn_matrices(graph) -> indices, distances

The indices and distances are both KxN matrices containing ids and distances to each point's neighbors, respectively, where K = n_neighbors and N is the number of points in the dataset.


using NearestNeighborDescent
data = [rand(10) for _ in 1:1000]
# OR data = rand(10, 1000)

# nn descent search
graph = nndescent(data, 10, Euclidean())

# access point i's jth nearest neighbor:
indices, distances = knn_matrices(graph)
indices[j, i]
distances[j, i]


Once constructed, the ApproximateKNNGraph can be used to find the nearest neighbors to new points. This is done via the search method:

search(graph, queries, n_neighbors; max_candidates) -> indices, distances
  • graph: An instance of ApproximateKNNGraph
  • queries: A vector of new data points of type Vector{V} or AbstractMatrix. Note that the type of the query points must be compatible with the original dataset points.
  • n_neighbors: The number of neighbors to find for each query. This does not have to be the same as the number used to construct graph.
  • max_candidates: Each query maintains a heap of candidate neighbors - the maximum size of that heap is controlled with this keyword arg (default max(n_neighbors, 20)).

This will automatically use all available threads for the search. Similar to knn_matrices, this returns two matrices for the indices and distances to the nearest neighbors of each query.


queries = [rand(10) for _ in 1:100]
# OR queries = rand(10, 100)
indices, distances = search(graph, queries, 5)